Dispositional Professional Qualities

This form describes five dispositions that educators aspire to in the pursuit of increasing student learning. The form can be used to help teacher candidates learn about the indicators for each characteristic through activities such as class discussions and personal reflections. This form will also be used to evaluate dispositions that education students display during class and field experience, to document professional progress, and to identify areas where improvement is needed.

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Question Title

* Student Name

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* Student ID#

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* Date Completed


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* Name of person completing the form (optional if self-assessment):

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* Your Status

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* Course Name and Number (if applicable)

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* I am completing this self-evaluation as required for...

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* For faculty, mentors, or supervisors ONLY: brief description of context for evaluation

Definitions of Rankings
Serious Concerns: Behavior displayed is contrary to expectations for this disposition
Needs Improvement: Behavior is displayed occasionally
Emerging: Behavior is displayed frequently
Acceptable: Behavior is displayed frequently and consistently

Question Title

* Disposition 1: Caring
Candidates with this set of dispositions value and appreciate all aspects of other persons’ well being–cognitive, emotional, physical and spiritual–thereby enhancing opportunities for learning needs of other education students and in working with professionals. The following list comprises many, but not all, of the qualities, tendencies, and/or behaviors which characterize a set of caring dispositions.

  Not Applicable
Not Observed
1.1 Empathy: Identifies with, and sees things from the perspective of others.
1.2 Compassion: Desires to help relieve the suffering of others.
1.3 Rapport: Develops appropriate relationships with peers and other stakeholders.
1.4 Respect: Shows appropriate regard for the needs, ideas, and experiences of others.
1.5 Passion: Demonstrates interest, enthusiasm and optimism for the people, content, and context of the teaching/learning process.
1.6 Cultural Competence: Appreciates and capitalizes upon diversity; is aware of and acts to reduce one’s own biases; employs culturally sensitive pedagogy.
1.7 Humane: Displays sensitivity, gentleness and kindheartedness while interacting with others.

Question Title

* Comments on Caring

Definitions of Rankings
Serious Concerns: Behavior displayed is contrary to expectations for this disposition
Needs Improvement: Behavior is displayed occasionally
Emerging: Behavior is displayed frequently
Acceptable: Behavior is displayed frequently and consistently

Question Title

* Disposition 2: Communication
Candidates with this set of dispositions are sensitive to and skillful in the various aspects of human activity. They have effective interpersonal relationship skills and attitudes that foster collaborative enterprises useful in enhancing the teaching-learning process. The following list comprises many, but not all, of the qualities, tendencies, and/or behaviors which characterize a set of communicative dispositions:

  Not Applicable
Not Observed
2.1 Presence: Engages in human interactions and other’s needs, keen with-it-ness.
2.2 Responsiveness: Attentive to others’ needs; the ability and inclination to act as best meets the needs, subtle as well as obvious, of others and their circumstances.
2.3 Attentiveness: Concentrates on others’ communication; takes others’ communication into account.
2.4 Authenticity: Genuineness that fosters and enhances the teaching and learning process while exercising judgment about personal and professional boundaries.
2.5 Collaborativeness: Open to involving and working with others in planning, problem solving and learning.
2.6 Voice: Willing to openly engage and respond to peers, faculty, teachers, administrators, parents, and community as the need arises.

Question Title

* Comments on Communication

Definitions of Rankings
Serious Concerns: Behavior displayed is contrary to expectations for this disposition
Needs Improvement: Behavior is displayed occasionally
Emerging: Behavior is displayed frequently
Acceptable: Behavior is displayed frequently and consistently

Question Title

* Disposition 3: Creative
Candidates with this set of dispositions display the capacity to envision and craft things in novel and meaningful ways to meet the needs of students. The following list comprises many, but not all, of the qualities, tendencies, and/or behaviors which characterize a set of creative dispositions:

  Not Applicable
Not Observed
3.1 Flexibility: Adapts, adjusts, and modifies practices to meet the needs of students and peers; thinks on one’s feet; is comfortable with change.
3.2 Inventiveness: Uses the needs and interests of students to approach curricular and strategic decisions; visualizes and implements novel ideas and practices.
3.3 Resourcefulness: Utilizes resources in effective ways; adapts practices to unforeseen challenges.
3.4 Resilience: Endures stress and maintains stability in the face of disruption and/or chaos; recovers poise, spirit and good humor quickly.

Question Title

* Comments on Creative

Definitions of Rankings
Serious Concerns: Behavior displayed is contrary to expectations for this disposition
Needs Improvement: Behavior is displayed occasionally
Emerging: Behavior is displayed frequently
Acceptable: Behavior is displayed frequently and consistently

Question Title

* Disposition 4: Critical
Candidates with this set of dispositions have the ability to examine closely, to critique, and to ask questions. They do not accept the status quo at face value but employ higher level thinking skills to evaluate, analyze, and synthesize. Self-evaluation and reflection characterize candidates with this set of dispositions. The following list comprises many, but not all, of the qualities, tendencies, and/or behaviors which characterize a set of critical dispositions:

  Not Applicable
Not Observed
4.1 Reflectiveness: Takes time consistently to evaluate effectiveness of instruction & behavior in terms of the larger goals of education; nurtures reflectivity in students and peers; reflects on own growth and accountability.
4.2 Initiative: Exhibits a willingness to pursue solutions to problems or questions; gathers relevant data and persistently seeks to improve situations or areas of need.
4.3 Open-mindedness: Exhibits an ability to look at different sides of an issue; recognizes the possibility of error in one’s own beliefs and practices; does not display or act upon prejudices against people or ideas.
4.4 Efficacy: Nurtures high expectations, demonstrates self direction and confidence, and empowers students and peers.
4.5 Humility: Places the needs of the learner and/or learning task above ones own ego; reflects on own growth and accountability.
4.6 Service: Views teaching as one way to serve the greater good of humanity.
4.7 Advocacy: Voices support, takes a stand, and acts in a manner that supports students and education.
4.8 Accurately Self-aware: Develops a view of self, including traits, feelings, and behaviors, that is consistent with others’ views.
4.9 Purposeful: Practices intentional and reflective goal setting and strives toward those goals.

Question Title

* Comments on Critical

Definitions of Rankings
Serious Concerns: Behavior displayed is contrary to expectations for this disposition
Needs Improvement: Behavior is displayed occasionally
Emerging: Behavior is displayed frequently
Acceptable: Behavior is displayed frequently and consistently

Question Title

* Disposition 5: Professional Requirements
These are qualities and practices that teacher candidates must exhibit in order to be recommended for licensure, some of which are explicit in the Iowa Code of Ethics and Code of Responsibilities. The candidates will display all of the following qualities and/or behaviors that characterize this set of professional requirements. Also, because each of these is considered absolutely necessary, each one will be separately assessed:

  Not Applicable
Not Observed
5.1 Professionalism: Endeavors to meet the standards expected of a teacher such as honesty, integrity, courtesy, discretion, tact, demeanor, punctuality, appropriateness of dress, grooming, hygiene, etc.
5.2 Personal and Professional Ethics and Integrity: Adheres strongly to high moral principles and ethical standards as expressed in the Iowa Code; evidences integrity.
5.3 Work Ethic/Responsibility: Meets college, program, course, district, school, and mentor requirements in a reliable, dependable, responsible, and punctual manner.
5.4 Confidentiality: Complies with federal, state, and school policies relating to confidentiality.
5.5 Professional Development: Seeks opportunities for practice and professional development.
5.6 Scholarly Ethics: Credits sources for work that is not original, complies with copyright laws; and models and encourages the ethical use of technology and technological resources.

Question Title

* Comments on Professional Requirements

This completes the dispositions assessment form.