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* 1. How would you assess your arrival, welcome, and move-in experience? Please share your impressions in the comment box below, even if they are COVID specific.

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* 2. Did your room provide you what you needed to enjoy your stay?

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* 3. During your stay, did you feel that the nursing team listened, communicated carefully, was responsive to your needs (such as answering your call button in a timely fashion), and did everything they could to support you?

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* 4. Acknowledging the safety guidelines around COVID, were you given opportunities to enjoy programs and amenities during your stay?

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* 5. Did housekeeping clean your room in a timely fashion, to your satisfaction, and did you find all areas of Noble clean?

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* 6. During your stay at Noble Horizons, how satisfied were you with the quality/variety of food and food service?

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* 7. Was the frequency of your therapy services appropriate and were the therapists helpful and compassionate?

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* 8. During your discharge, were your care plans clearly explained?

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* 9. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, how would you rate your experience at Noble Horizons and why?

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* 10. What about your experience would you recommend to your friends and family, and how might it be even better?

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