I am a third year student studying digital forensics, I am currently undergoing my third year project. This survey is in support of my dissertation, it aims to reflect the current understanding of cyber attacks and threats.
Aim of Dissertation:
To investigate the current provision of cyber-security education in schools to evaluate the appropriateness and improve awareness of cyber-threats and mitigating strategies.
· Please answer the following questions honestly.
· Please do not write down any personal or confidential details about yourself or anyone else.
· In the written answers please provide as much detail as possible.
· Ethics form is available.

Question Title

* 1. Are you answering this questionnaire for yourself or on behalf of someone else?

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* 2. What is your age range?

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* 3. What is your highest level of education?

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* 4. Do you work in an IT specialised field/ Do you study an IT specialised course?

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* 5. If the answer to question 4 is 'yes' please enter career/ course title:

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* 6. If you are studying or working a role that requires any computer use, does your establishment provide any IT/ computer training? (Basic training on how to use a computer)

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* 7. If the answer to question 6 is 'yes' please provide an example:

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* 8. If you are studying or working a role that requires any computer use, does your establishment provide cyber security awareness training? (How to spot vulnerabilities or possible cyber attacks)

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* 9. If the answer to question 8 is 'yes' please provide an example:

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* 10. Based on the scoring below, how would you rate your understanding of cyber-attacks based on your schools teachings?

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* 11. How would you rate your current/ past teachings of cyber-security and cyber-attacks in school?

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* 12. Do you have any IT related hobbies such as gaming/programming/etc...

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* 13. If the answer to question 12 was 'yes', please give examples:

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* 14. Have you ever undertaken your own self-teaching/research into cyber attacks?

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* 15. If the answer to question 14 is 'yes', please specify what you used:

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* 16. If the answer to question 14 is 'yes', please specify how long you spent looking in to cyber attacks:

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* 17. If the answer to question 14 is 'yes', please explain how you think self-teaching has aided your understanding of cyber attacks and use of computers/phones?

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* 18. If the answer to question 14 is 'yes' please explain how you think your self-teaching compared to your teachings in school?

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* 19. Would you consider paying for a course to increase your knowledge of cyber security?

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* 20. Have you ever fallen victim to a cyber-attack?

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* 21. If your answer to question 20 was 'yes', please note what type of attack took place, if you are unsure of the name please give a brief description:

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* 22. If your answer to question 20 was 'yes', do you think if you had more awareness and knowledge of cyber attacks could it have prevented this attack?

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* 23. Please select one of the following statements based on how you feel about teaching cyber security in schools:

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* 24. How do you currently protect your digital devices (mobiles/ laptops/ computers/tablets)

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* 25. If you selected any options from question 24, do you fully understand their functions or have you implemented them as a recommendation? 

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* 26. If you do use security precautions on your devices, how often do you update them?

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* 27. Do you know what a phishing email is?

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* 28. Have you ever received a phishing email?

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* 29. If the answer to question 28 is 'yes', how did you approach receiving this email?

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* 30. If there are 25 teaching hours a week in schools, how many hours should be dedicated to teaching cyber security and IT?