The LaSalle Police Service is currently developing its 2025-2028 Strategic Plan. A big part is getting feedback from the public. We want to hear from you. Your input is anonymous.

Question Title

* 1. How concerned are you about the following?

  Not at all concerned Not very concerned Neutral Somewhat concerned Very concerned
The level of crime in LaSalle
Traffic offences in LaSalle
The level of social disorder (mental health, addictions, poverty) in LaSalle

Question Title

* 2. Do you believe that crime in LaSalle has increased or decreased over the last four years?

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* 3. Do you believe driving offences in LaSalle have increased or decreased over the last four years?

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* 4. Do you believe that social disorder resulting from mental health, addictions, and poverty has increased or decreased in LaSalle over the last four years?

Question Title

* 5. Do you believe youth crime in LaSalle has increased or decreased over the last four years?

Question Title

* 6. Rate how safe you feel in the following scenarios.

  Very unsafe Not very safe Neutral Somewhat safe Very safe
Walking alone in your neighbourhood during the day
Walking alone in your neighbourhood at night
Walking alone of visiting public parks during the day
Walking alone or visiting public parks during the night
Walking alone along public trails during the day
Walking alone along public trails during the night

Question Title

* 7. Describe the level of police presence in LaSalle.

Question Title

* 8. Have you heard of the following programs in LaSalle?

  Yes No
Crime Stoppers
Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (RIDE)
Values, Influences, Peers (VIP)
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
Victim Services
Child Car Seat Clinics
Bicycle Rodeos
LaSalle Police Youth Foundation

Question Title

* 9. Please rank, in order of importance, the biggest issues facing LaSalle? (You can drag and drop or use the arrows to rearrange)

Question Title

* 10. The following is a list of traffic-related concerns. Please rank them in order of most concerning to least concerning.

Question Title

* 11. Please rate the following.

  Very poor Poor Satisfied Good Very good Don't know
The visibility of the LaSalle Police Service.
Police working with the community to solve problems
Police interacting with multicultural groups
Police interacting with youth
Response times to see police when called

Question Title

* 12. When you called police, please rate these statements.

  Strongly disagree Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat agree Strongly agree Not applicable
The 911 Communicator was friendly
The 911 Communicator was helpful
The 911 Communicator was efficient
I was told an approximate response time
I was satisfied with the amount of time it took officer(s) to arrive.

Question Title

* 13. Please rate you overall experience with the officer(s).

  Very poor Poor Satisfied Good Very good Not applicable
Professional appearance
Showed concern for your needs
Dealt with the issue effectively

Question Title

* 14. Has anything happened to you or a member of your household within the past 24 months that you thought was a crime, but you decided not to report it to the police?

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* 15. If you answered yes to the above question, why did you decide not to report to the police?

Question Title

* 16. Please rate the following services provided by the LaSalle Police Service.

  Very poor Poor Satisfied Good Very good
Presence in LaSalle
Investigating crimes
Assisting victims of crime
Enforcing traffic laws
Public relations
Working with residents
Foot/bicycle patrols
Crime prevention strategies
Marine patrols

Question Title

* 17. Would you support an increase in taxes so the LaSalle Police Service can hire more officers and civilian staff?

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* 18. If you don't support an increase to the police budget for the above purposes, what initiatives would you support an increase to the police budget (if any)?

Question Title

* 19. Which of the following programs would you like to see the LaSalle Police Service implement over the next four years? Check all that apply.

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* 20. What is your primary source for local news and events?

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* 21. Have you used the LaSalle Police Service website or our social media channels to read news?

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* 22. How can the LaSalle Police Service improve the way it communicates with citizens?

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* 23. Please add any information that you believe is important for the LaSalle Police Service to consider in its next four-year Strategic Plan.