Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada (SC-CC) 2023-2025 Programming Survey

The goal of this survey is to gather input from our members and supporters for what they would like to see offered in SC-CC programming for 2023-2025. Future programs may include but are not limited to: workshops, concerts, speaker series, special events, small-group projects. SC-CC offers virtual programming so that we can ensure all of our offerings are available to folks across the country.

This survey is focused on audience engagement, but if you are interested in getting involved in our programming as a Project Coordinator, Workshop Leader, Artistic Director or Technical Assistant, please get in touch. We'd love to hear from you!

The goals for our future programming are to:
  • Continue similar level of Francophone engagement
  • Continue similar level of members’ only programming
  • Increase engagement with Indigenous communities
  • Increase programming opportunities for diverse communities
  • Increase audience to include non-storytellers (listeners and arts appreciators)
  • Increase income-generating programs
Please keep in mind while filling out the survey that while we do have big dreams for SC-CC programs, we are still working with limited resources and need to consider the staff time and funding that is available. We also understand that there may be conflicting interests as our membership spans so many different levels of and interests in storytelling. Please be kind and patient while we continue working towards our goals!

As a special thanks for your time, you will be entered into a raffle for a 1-year SC-CC membership! You can opt into the draw at the end of the survey.

We appreciate your responses by December 31st, 2022.
Tell us about yourself

Question Title

* 1. Name

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* 2. Email

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* 3. Location (province and/or town)

Question Title

* 4. Languages that you would participate in programming for

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* 5. Are you a member of SC-CC?

Question Title

* 6. What is your storytelling stage right now?

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* 7. Have you participated in any of our past programming?

How interested are you in the following programs

Question Title

* 8. Workshops

  Very interested Somewhat interested Not interested at all
Members’ workshop showcase series- a juried series showing off the talents of our members, not themed
Workshops on the business-side of being a storyteller or freelance artist (grants, contracts, marketing finances etc.,)
Workshops on practical skills for storytelling (performance, pacing, research & development)
Workshops for beginner storytellers- covering the basics of storytelling
Workshops for advanced/professional storytellers- covering more advanced topics
Workshops on specific genres of stories (humor, non-fiction, historical, children’s, etc.,)
Workshops from specific big-name storytellers, focused on their specialty

Question Title

* 9. Concerts

  Very interested Somewhat interested Not interested at all
National, virtual concerts without a theme
National, virtual concerts on a predetermined theme
Small-scale virtual concerts organized by SC-CC members, funded by SC-CC microgrants
Small-scale in person concerts organized by SC-CC members, funded by SC-CC microgrants

Question Title

* 10. Other Programs & Special Events

  Very interested Somewhat interested Not interested at all
Speaker series on topics about storytelling (art, history, academics, uses etc.,)
Small-group emerging mentorship intensive (pairing emerging and established storytellers for masterclasses, mentoring sessions and a performance)
Storytelling & Art exchange (pairing storytellers with visual artists to create works/videos displayed in an online gallery & virtual opening reception)
Placement programs for in-school storytellers
More StorySave Listening Parties (listen to an album and then come together on Zoom to discuss)
Tickets & Pricing

Since we began programming in 2020, SC-CC has subsidized each event in order to keep individual registration costs low. We're interested to know how ticket costs affect our members' decision to register/attend programs. Please answer the questions below to help us understand how your decisions are made.

Question Title

* 11. Is ticket cost an important factor in your decision whether or not to register for a workshop?

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* 12. How do you feel about subsidized ticket prices overall? (click all that apply)

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* 13. Are you in favor of SC-CC workshops being available to members only, as a benefit of membership with us/incentive for new members to join?

Question Title

* 14. What is your opinion on the following cost options

  Free to members Different pricing for members/ non-members By donation with no suggested amount By donation with a suggested amount Ticketed at a set price
Special Events

Question Title

* 15. Feel free to provide further comments on tickets and pricing


What is the best time for you personally to participate in SC-CC (virtual) programs?

Question Title

* 16. Time of year

  Ideal Fine Not good
Summer (June-Aug)
Fall (Sept-Dec)
Winter (Jan-March)
Spring (April-May)

Question Title

* 17. Time of day & week

  Monday - Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Morning (8am-12pm)
Afternoon (1pm-4pm)
Early evening (5pm-7pm)
Late evening (8pm-10pm)
Further Comments

Question Title

* 19. Feel free to provide further comments on SC-CC programming. What do you expect for SC-CC programs in the future? What would you like to see from us? Please be considerate and keep your feedback constructive.

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* 20. Would you like to be included in the raffle for a 1-year SC-CC membership?
The email you provided will be used to contact you

Thank you for your time! Your feedback is very important to us.
Questions? Contact us:

PS- do you want to support SC-CC programming above and beyond buying tickets? Consider donating to our programming fund! Donate online here. Your support will help us put money in the pockets of artists across the country.