Camp Fire National is seeking anonymous feedback from you about your experiences with leadership and sharing your voice in Camp Fire. The information gathered will inform a roadmap of ways to incorporate youth leadership & youth voice opportunities moving forward.

The questions below are designed to determine if you feel that you have a voice or opportunities to take on leadership roles at your council and to influence decision making.

Your participation in taking this survey is greatly appreciated!

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* 2. What does 'sharing your voice' mean to you?

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* 3. I have opportunities to share my voice and/or participate in leadership opportunities within my council.

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* 4. What opportunities are presented to you to share your voice within your council?

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* 5. What opportunities are available for you to lead within your council? Select all that apply.

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* 6. What other opportunities would you like to have to share your voice or provide leadership?

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* 7. What have been barriers to participating in youth leadership opportunities?

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* 8. What, if anything, could Camp Fire adults do to encourage/support you to share your voice or participate more in leadership opportunities?