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Thank you for agreeing to complete this brief 5-minute survey. Children’s Centre Thunder Bay is committed to improving the quality of our services and we need your input. All responses are anonymous, and no individual will be identified. Again, thank you for taking this time to give us your feedback.  Your input is greatly appreciated!    

Question Title

* 1. Please identify the age of your child/youth

Question Title

* 2. Please identify the main program you are currently involved with (please choose one):

Question Title

* 3. Please answer the following questions based on your current experience with services at Children's Centre Thunder Bay:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
The wait time for service was reasonable.
After my first contact, I was aware of how long I would need to wait before I started services.
My time in services was spent well.
Services were provided at a time of the day that was convenient for me.
The services I received helped me address my identified goals.
The services provided at CCTB are of high quality.
I would recommend services at CCTB to a friend.
I felt physically safe in the setting where I received services.
I felt emotionally safe while receiving services through CCTB.
Staff treated me with respect.
Staff supported me in working on the goals that were important to me.
Staff valued my ideas and opinions.
I felt a sense of belonging while accessing services at CCTB (e.g., I saw myself in the people, space and the way service are delivered).
Staff understood my unique identity (e.g., religion, language, ethnic background, gender identity, race) during services.
Staff incorporated my identity into the services I received through CCTB.
Services were provided at a location that was convenient for me.
Staff accommodated my individual needs (i.e., mobility, learning, transportation, hearing, vision, etc.) during services.

Question Title

* 4. Please let us know what you found most helpful in your service experience with us:

Question Title

* 5. Please let us know what we could do to improve our services:

0 of 8 answered