Project proposal submission AiA Library Assessment Research Grant Project. Year Two (2018-2019)

Projects may be continuations of year one research questions, expanding and building on findings from year one. Projects may also be brand new research questions. Both are welcome.
Project teams must include at least one person who participated either in the AiA year-one orientation workshop (12/7-8/2017) or in one of the year one projects.
Projects may take a broad view and be developed with the goal of generating data around a question shared across multiple institutions, or they may focus on a question specific to an individual institution.  There continues to be a significant need for evidence supporting library impact-value claims that are generalizable across institutions. 
Cross-institution and individual institution level proposals are both welcome. In either case, collaboration with other stakeholders on campus (e.g. faculty, student services, or office of institutional research, etc) is expected.
Projects should select one of the four systemwide college priorities (retention, classroom success, engagement, equity) and should engage the theme through one of the five lenses (credit courses, integrated instruction, reference interactions, strategic partnerships, or library resources, such as space, personnel, or collections.)
Projects within each priority will be placed in a community of practice (COP) group. The COP groups will be an opportunity to communicate, collaborate and support each other during your design and implementation processes. Each COP group will be supported by one of the Library Directors/Deans including scheduling of a number of COP meetings.
The process will be competitive. Reviewers will score the applications based on a rubric. Approximately 7 projects will be funded up to $4,500 per project with a maximum of $1,500 per person. Funds may be distributed among a larger team. 
ROUND 1: Project proposals must be submitted by December 7th, 2018. Decisions will be announced on December 18th, 2018.
ROUND 1 RESUBMISSIONS: Jan. 11, 2019/ Decisions announced 1/15/2019
ROUND 2 Submissions: Jan. 18, 2019/ Decisions announced 1/22/2019

Reflections/suggestions from year-one participants:

*What worked well?
·       Process of collecting and assessing data
·       Collaborating with instructional faculty
·       Collaborating with research partners and support staff
·       Project provided meaningful and rewarding learning opportunities
*What would you do differently to improve your project?
·       Improve overall planning process
·       Create a more realistic timeline for conducting the research
·       Improve elements of study design

*What advice would you share with other librarians conducting a similar project?
·       Prepare robust and complete project plans that consider all elements of the research study
·       Schedule enough time to complete the study, analyze the data, and write a final report
·       Consult with research partners on a regular basis throughout the life of the project
·       Collaborate!
·       Action research strategies provide a powerful means of identifying and communicating the value of academic libraries!

Question Title

* 1. Campus or Campuses involved in your project proposal:

Question Title

* 2. Project Team Members (Individual proposals are also welcome.)

Question Title

* 3. I understand that projects selected for funding will be required to provide a written report and to present project findings at a Research Symposium in Fall 2019.

Question Title

* 5. Which (limit two) of the five lenses (credit courses, integrated instruction, reference interactions, strategic partnerships, library resources, such as space, personnel, or collections) will the project use to frame the inquiry? If two lenses are selected please use the text box to explain your rationale.

Question Title

* 6. Assessment in Action seeks to build evidence that can be used to “tell a strong story about the multiple ways that libraries are contributing to student learning and success," and seeks to codify “promising results about positive connections between the library and students’ academic success.” (ACRL Value of Academic Libraries).

For example, projects may focus on examining library impact through institutional data tools, or they may focus on reference work or collaborative work with campus partners. All projects begin with a research question and use data to examine the relationship between the library and student performance.

State your research question.  The research should aim to demonstrate the value of academic libraries and answer the following questions (6, 7, & 8):
6) What is the overall question that this project means to address?

Question Title

* 7. In what way(s) does your research project meet the goals of Assessment in Action?

Question Title

* 8. How will your work strengthen collaborative relationships with other higher education stakeholders? (Outline how librarians will work with other areas of their institutions, partner institutions or communities.)

Question Title

* 9. How will your work document the contribution of academic libraries to the overall goals and mission of your institution?

Question Title

* 10. Provide a brief timeline using the boxes below by providing the action and a proposed date for benchmarks. (Example: Initial instructional design - 1/5/2019-1/25/2019)

Question Title

* 11. Please explain your budget distribution of the stipend funding among your team members. (Examples: Jane Smith, Grays Harbor Team Lead, $1500; Dan Partridge, Grays Harbor Team Member, $900.) Note: Projects will be funded up to a maximum of $4,500 per project with a maximum of $1,500 per person. Funds may be distributed among a larger team. (Only faculty can be stipended.)

Question Title

* 12. Please provide a brief rationale for your budget.  (Example: Our team decided to provide a slightly higher stipend for our team lead due to the workload, and the remaining members will each receive an equal stipend.)

Each campus has protocols for how an institutional research project is conducted. Faculty should become familiar with these protocols and communicate their assessment project to the campus person charged with oversight of institutional research methods and protocol.

Question Title

* 13. Do you agree to comply with your college’s IRB protocols?

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* 14. Our Library Dean/Director(s) has/have reviewed our proposed plan and approved of this project proposal for submission to LLC for funding. (In the case of cross-campus collaboration, please gain approval from each campus library administrator.)

Deadline for submission is December 7th, 2018. Decisions will be announced on December 18th, 2018.
A Washington State Library/LLC Mini-Grant Project.