Survey Introduction

The Grand County Stream Management Plan (GC SMP) is undergoing an update. The focus of the GC SMP update is on making general improvements to the rivers and streams in Grand County to support stream health for aquatic habitat. The Grand County Learning by Doing (LBD) Stakeholder Outreach team wants to hear your input about how to restore and enhance the condition of the aquatic habitats in Grand County. 
This survey represents the first of several opportunities to provide input on the GC SMP update. Over the next several months, LBD will be hosting a series of stakeholder open-house meetings and focus groups to solicit additional feedback on the update. If you sign up to receive updates via this survey, you will receive additional information about upcoming meetings and ways to participate, so please stay tuned!

Please reach out to with any questions about the survey or the GC SMP update.

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* 1. Please describe what the rivers and streams in Grand County mean to you.

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* 2. In no particular order, what three words would you use to describe the current condition of aquatic habitat in Grand County?

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* 3. Overall, how would you characterize the health of aquatic habitats in Grand County?