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The Bowen Island Public Library is updating its strategic plan to identify priorities for the next few years. We want to hear from Library users and non-users about the needs of the community. Tell us what you think!

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. On average, how often do you visit the library?

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* 3. What issues (if any) limit your library use? (select all that apply)

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* 4. The Library strives to serve all members of the Bowen community. Which demographic should the library focus more services towards? (select up to three)

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* 5. How do you learn about library programs and services? (select all that apply)

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* 6. How important will it be for the Library to meet these community needs in the future?

  Very Important Important Somewhat Important Not Important Don't Know/Not Applicable 
Supporting decolonization and Indigenous topics
Promoting awareness and solutions for climate change
Helping people learn digital skills
Supporting early literacy and language development in children
Supporting anti-racism
Community building / Fostering social connection
Non-traditional collections (memory kits, MedShed, telescopes, robotics kits, etc.)
Physical Collections (Books, magazines, DVDs, etc.)
Digital Collections (eBooks, databases, etc.)
Creating welcoming and accessible physical spaces
Becoming a forum for civic dialogue and understanding
Assisting people with skills such as job seeking and taxes
Providing spaces for community use
Providing spaces for quiet time and study
Preserving and promoting awareness of local history
Lifelong learning for all ages
Fostering a love of reading
Supporting equity and inclusion of minority groups

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* 7. Please describe your ideal community in three (3) words:

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* 8. What is the next step you're looking to take in life? This could be a new hobby, new friendships, starting a family, etc.

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* 9. What do you miss the most because of the pandemic?

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* 10. Do you have any other comments for us? If you would like a response from the library, please include your contact information here. 

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