Question Title

* 1. Name and Organization:

Question Title

* 2. Country:

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* 3. Organization's Website:

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* 4. Email Address:

Question Title

* 5. Do you work with men on the issue of respectful maternity care or the humanization of birth?

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* 6. If yes, briefly describe your work on men and respectful maternity care or the humanization of birth

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* 7. If yes, in what capacity do you work with men: (mark all that apply)

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* 8. In your opinion, what are key opportunities for working with men on respectful maternity care or the humanization of birth?

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* 9. In your opinion, what are key risks for working with men on respectful maternity care or the humanization of birth and how could these risks be mitigated?

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* 10. Any other comments to share?