2023 Co-op Events & Classes Survey Question Title * 1. Are you interested in attending classes or events at Fiddleheads? Yes No Question Title * 2. Which of the following classes would you be interested in attending? Please check all that apply. Cooking classes Informational health & wellness classes Co-op tours Instructional bulk department tours Guided DIY classes (fire cider making, kombucha making etc.) Mushroom foraging class Meet your local farmers event Community discussions Gardening classes Book Club focused on food justice, agriculture etc. Other. - Please include your suggestions. Question Title * 3. When would you be most likely to attend an event at the co-op? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Question Title * 4. What time of day would be most convenient for you to attend an event at the co-op? Morning Midday Evening Question Title * 5. Would you be interested in events for kids and families (guided crafts, story time etc.)? Yes No Question Title * 6. Are you currently an Owner of Fiddleheads Food Co-op? Yes No I'm thinking about it but need more information. What's a co-op Owner? Done