Thank you for your interest in this screening tool for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This screener should not be used in lieu of a professional evaluation for PTSD. It should be used for educational purposes, and should not be used as a medical diagnosis.    

Please note that, regardless of the outcome of this screening tool, you should seek the advice of a medical professional if you have concerns about your physical or mental health. PTSD can also be accompanied by or be mistaken for symptoms relating to anxiety or depression, both of which should be diagnosed by medical doctor. 

If you have questions or wish to discuss your situation with someone, regardless of the results of this survey, you are encouraged to contact your general practitioner, local mental health professional, or online mental health specialist. 

If you feel that you may be a danger to yourself or others, you should call 9-1-1 immediately.
1% of survey complete.