Community Questionnaire

Help Us Plan for the Future!
  We strongly value your opinions and would like to hear from you. This survey will take between 5-7 minutes to complete. Your answers will be carefully reviewed and used to assist with day to day planning as well  as strategic and long-range planning. Your response will be kept confidential.

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* 1. Age Range

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* 2. Do you have any children in your household?

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* 3. How often do you visit the New Milford Public Library

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* 4. For what purpose do you use your library? Choose all that apply.

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* 5. Are you able to find the materials, information or services you need and want at the library?

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* 6. Are you able to get the answers you need from the staff when using the computers?

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* 7. Are the library's hours compatible with your schedule?

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* 8. The library's most valuable contribution to the New Milford community is its': (Choose one)

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* 9. Do you attend Adult Programs?

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* 10. What types of Adult programs would you like your library to offer?

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* 11. Do you or your children/grandchildren attend Children's programs

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* 12. What type of Children's programs would you like to see?

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* 13. Do you or your Teen attend Teen programs?

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* 14. What type of Teen programs would you like to see?

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* 15. If you could improve upon the library's offerings, what would you like to see?(Choose all that apply)

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* 16. Do you, or would you, use any of the following Library offerings? (Choose all that apply)

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* 17. Do you engage with any of the following digital services? (Choose all that apply)

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* 18. Select the statements you agree with about New Milford Public Library

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* 19. Is there anything about the New Milford Public Library that should not be changed.

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* 20. Please rank the importance of these Library resources and services for the future.  Number each item by level of importance starting with 1.

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* 21. How do you learn about library happenings?

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* 22. Please add any additional suggestions.