2023 Summer Book Club Series - THREE/1

Please choose  your top 3 books.  You may or may not get your 1st pick, but we will get you into one of your top 3. If you do not choose a book, we will let the Holy Spirit choose for you...but it really helps us if you fill out the survey. Thanks!

Note: After you have finished your survey, there will be a random survey that will pop up on your screen with a green box that says, "Start Survey". There is no need to click on that survey. X out of your screen, your survey will be completed. 
1.What is Your Name?
2.Zooming or Building (Please indicate if you will be at the Building or Zooming for Book Club? Zooming should be for those who have health problems or those who are unable to make it to the building).
3.Which is Your First Book Choice
4.Which is your Second Book Choice
5.Which is your third Book Choice