2024 50th Empire Horse Show Question Title * 1. Thank you for coming to our show! Was this your first time at Empire? Yes No If Yes, what influenced your decision to come? Question Title * 2. Overall, please rate your overall show experience Dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Okay Somewhat satisfied Awesome time! Dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Okay Somewhat satisfied Awesome time! Comments: Question Title * 3. This year we tried a new electronic process for ordering Hay & Bedding. Would you like the same process next year? Yes No Comments: Question Title * 4. This year we offered four schooling classes, spread throughout the show, open to anyone, any horse who needed experience in the ring. Would like to see the schooling classes return? Yes No Comments: Question Title * 5. Again this year we provided real-time updates and communication aobut the show throughout the using the WhatsApp platform. Did you use WhatsApp? Did you find it useful? Yes, I used WhatsApp No, I didn't use WhatsApp Comments or suggestions: Question Title * 6. Due to increase horses entered, we offered performance classes in the Exhibit Center (former dairy building where the in-hand classes were held). Please provide feedback on the Exhibit Center. Question Title * 7. AHA recently changed qualifications back to requiring exhibitors to qualify in the region they plan to show in that region's championship show. Accordingly, we're considering a concurrent show with another region for the 2025 show. We want to provide exhibitors maximum value for their time and money. Would you be in favor on a concurrent show, qualifying you for two regions (realizing that the entry fees for dual-qualifiers increase to cover additional judges. Yes, which region would you like us to partner with? No, please comment Comments: Question Title * 8. Every year we try to fine-tune our prize list to provide exhibitors the classes they want, in a schedule that meets their needs. For 2025, we are considering dropping championship classes on Sunday to make room for additional classes. Are you in favor of eliminating championship classes? Yes No, are they championship classes you prefer that we offer? Comments: Question Title * 9. We're also considering offering an additional day of dressage (intro and training level) and western dressage (intro and basic) in a 20m x 40m ring in the Exhibit Center (formerly referred to as the dairy building). Would this interest you? Yes No Comments: Question Title * 10. The Empire show committee takes hospitality very seriously. Was there anything else we could do to enhance your show experience? Question Title * 11. Any other feedback you'd like to share? Thank you for your feedback!