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In an effort to enhance how the BoE communicates with families of the Croton-Harmon schools, students and the community at large, we invite you to participate in this brief, confidential survey.

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* 1. Overall, what is your perspective on the frequency of communications from the BoE?

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* 2. The BoE communicates with the community in a variety of ways. Please indicate which of these communications you are aware of. (Check all that apply)

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* 3. As a community member, do you believe that you are able to engage with and express your opinion to Board of Education members?

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* 4. If you answered ‘No” to Q, 3, please provide any suggestions you have on additional ways to engage with BoE members.

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* 5. If you have any other comments about the BoE’s communications that you would like to share, please do so here.

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