OEAA Test Misadministration Complaint |
This form is to be used to report improper testing procedures and or practices for any of the Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability’s (OEAA) test administrations including ACT WorkKeys, Early Literacy and Mathematics Benchmark, MI-Access, M-STEP, PSAT© 8/9, SAT© with Essay, and WIDA ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS for ELLs.
Under the Freedom of Information Act, the MDE is not allowed to maintain the confidentiality of a witness if they identify themselves. If you wish to remain anonymous, you should not give the OEAA any personally identifiable information. Anyone reporting in good faith what they believe to be a violation of test administration rules may be protected under the Michigan Whistleblower's Act.
Under the Freedom of Information Act, the MDE is not allowed to maintain the confidentiality of a witness if they identify themselves. If you wish to remain anonymous, you should not give the OEAA any personally identifiable information. Anyone reporting in good faith what they believe to be a violation of test administration rules may be protected under the Michigan Whistleblower's Act.
If you have already made an allegation report of a specific incident, then a second report is not needed. Please note, if you choose to remain anonymous then there is no way for the OEAA to follow up with you directly about this incident and we may be unable to follow up on the incident at all due to lack of information.
Under current state law, MDE does not have authority to review or investigate local personnel matters between employees and/or supervisors in a local district.