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The Survey

PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SURVEY FOR EACH STUDENT YOU HAVE ATTENDING REDMOND SCHOOL DISTRICT: You will be asked to complete this short set of questions for each student in your family as you may have different preferences depending on which level the student will be attending, in addition to our need to gather data by school.

Upon finishing the survey, you will be redirected to the start of a new survey for another student in your family. Repeat this until all students in your household have been represented.
Learning Preferences 

Currently we are planning on what school schedules and learning will look like utilizing the guidance released on June 10th from Oregon Department of Education. To best meet the needs of all of our learners, while following ODEs guidance, we need to consider different learning options for students next year. Your input is important as we plan for the fall. We are trying to get a snapshot for what your preferences are based on the current context. We recognize that your preferences may change as the summer progresses.

Please consider the following preferences:

IN-PERSON: Learning is classroom based instruction with additional safety and health measures in place.

HYBRID: Learning is delivered both in-person and remotely. On days when students are not in school buildings, they access content, instruction and resources remotely. Time spent at school is limited and is used to enhance the learning done remotely. 

DISTANCE Learning:  Learning is done at home, away from school, utilizing online resources and tools to interact virtually. Progress is monitored by staff and instruction is delivered using digital tools through an online platform.

Question Title

* 1. Are you a student or parent/guardian/family member?

Question Title

* 4. Which option do you most prefer for this student for starting school again this fall? (see above for descriptions)

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the following in regards to this student:

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I plan to have my student return to in-person, classroom based instruction knowing additional health and safety precautions will be in place.
I feel comfortable having my student engage in hybrid learning. This would include a combination of some in-person classroom based instruction, and some distance learning instruction.
I feel comfortable having my student ride the bus this fall WITH additional health and safety precautions in place.
Health and safety precautions should be strongly prioritized.

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* 6. Does your household normally rely on district-provided transportation for this student to get to school?

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* 7. Other than district-provided transportation, which of the following options does your household have for getting this student to school? (Check all that may apply.)

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