Background & Introduction

The Office of Language Access (OLA) provides oversight, central coordination, and technical assistance to state and state-funded entities in their implementation of the requirements of the Hawaii’s language access law.

Through Act 217, Session Laws Hawaii 2013, OLA was enabled to establish and administer a statewide language access resource center that shall maintain a publicly available roster of language interpreters and translators, listing their qualifications and credentials.

This brief application will assist in identifying interpreters and translators in Hawaii. Please note that "*" (asterisk) indicates a REQUIRED field. Any fields denoted with two asterisk (**) indicates information that will not be disclosed to the public, but will only be kept on file for administrative purposes – such as contacting you with important updates or information. We appreciate your time and please do not hesitate to send an email to if you have any questions or need further assistance. You can change your answers even after you complete the application. If you click to open the application again, you can update your responses.
