We really appreciate your help in nominating instructors. To make it easy, we've provided a list of instructor names for you to select from.

Have more than one instructor you'd like to nominate? Not to worry, you'll have an opportunity to nominate another instructor at the end of this survey.

Question Title

* 2. What course(s) have you taken with this instructor?

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* 3. Excellence: How does the instructor make students care about the material? In what ways is he or she enthusiastic about keeping up with new developments in the subject area? Do students walk away with an understanding of how the material applies outside of the classroom? Provide examples.

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* 4. Rapport: How does the instructor respect students as individuals and treat them fairly? Does he or she actively seek feedback and listen to what students have to say? Does the instructor recognize when students are struggling and seek alternative ways to convey the subject material? Provide examples.

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* 5. Innovation: Does the instructor use a variety of approaches to engage students and encourage participation? Please describe a few you find especially effective. Does he or she keep the class interesting by using creative teaching techniques? Does the instructor demonstrate the flexibility to depart from a planned lesson when there is more to be gained by going off in a new direction? Provide examples.

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* 6. Dedication: Is the course material organized logically to maximize learning outcomes? Is the instructor punctual about posting grades and providing feedback? Is he or she committed to keeping office hours or being otherwise available to assist students? Provide examples.

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* 7. How many COURSES have you taken with the instructors that you nominated?

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* 8. Including those that you nominated, how many INSTRUCTORS have you taken classes with at NMC?

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* 9. To ensure that your nomination is considered, please provide the following: