Instructions: Please answer the following questions honestly and completely. The survey is meant to be anonymous and we do not need your name or address. Aggregate answers will aid in the creation of a comprehensive plan for Melcher-Dallas, so please provide your input! Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate from the following 9 topics the 3 most important for the city to address in the Comprehensive Plan. (Rank 1-3, 1 being most important.)

Question Title

* 2. Briefly tell us why you chose your rankings in Question 1?

Question Title

* 3. In your opinion, how important are the following factors to the Melcher-Dallas community? Indicate your choice based on the criteria below. 

  Very Important Important Somewhat Important Somewhat Unimportant Unimportant Very Unimportant Don't Know
Location and Convenience
Proximity to Work
Ease of Commute to Work
Quality Job Opportunities
All Job Opportunities
Quality and Selection of Housing
Cost of Living
Low Crime Rate
Quality of Schools
Family and Friends
Sense of Community/Small Town Atmosphere
Shops and Services
Access to Parks and Recreation
Arts and Culture

Question Title

* 4. What type(s) of economic development do you think Melcher-Dallas should encourage? Indicate your preference based on the criteria below.

  Greatly Encourage Encourage Somewhat Encourage Somewhat Discourage Discourage Greatly Discourage Don't Know
Home Based Businesses
Warehouse & Distribution (Truck Based)
Freight Rail Dependent Businesses
Artisans & Craftsman Businesses
Heavy Industry (Manufacturing)
Professional Services (Tax Prep, Attorney, etc.)
Medical Services (Dental, Physicians, etc.)
Light Industry
Small Independently Owned Shops
Technology-Based Industries
Shopping Plazas
Specialized Agriculture (Nurseries, Farmer's Market, etc.)
Construction Industry
Tourism/Travel Businesses
Outdoor Recreation (Golf Courses, Paint Ball, etc.)
Expand Existing Industries & Businesses
General Retail

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the following aspects of Melcher-Dallas's owner-occupied housing market. Indicate your choice based on the criteria below.

  Very Good Good Adequate Bad Very Bad Don't Know
Housing Availability - Amenities and Styles
Housing Availability - Homes for Sale
Housing Quality
Housing Affordability

Question Title

* 6. Please rate the following aspects of Melcher-Dallas's rental housing market. Indicate your choice based on the criteria below.

  Very Good Good Adequate Bad Very Bad Don't Know
Housing Availability - Amenities and Styles
Housing Availability - Places to Rent
Housing Quality
Housing Affordability

Question Title

* 7. What level of priority should Melcher-Dallas give to address the following land use topics? Indicate your choice based on the criteria below.

  Very High High Medium Low Very Low None Don't Know
Create and encourage development in business and industrial parks
Protection of wetland and stream environments
Encourage commercial development in Downtown Melcher-Dallas
Rehabilitate/Redevelop housing in Downtown Melcher-Dallas
Encourage development of affordable housing
Support the development of school district property
Encourage additional commercial development along highways
Update zoning classifications (definitions, requirements, etc.)
Create more mixed use development outside Downtown Melcher-Dallas

Question Title

* 8. How satisfied are you with the following in Melcher-Dallas? Indicate your choice based on the criteria below.

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Somewhat Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied Don' Know
Child Care
Recreation Trails
Playground Equipment
Locally Grown Foods
Community Safety
Age-restricted Communities
Health Services
Locally Made Products

Question Title

* 9. Please rate the need for the following transportation projects. Indicate your choice based on the criteria below.

  Urgently needed Needed Somewhat needed Somewhat Not Needed Not Needed Actively Discourage Don't Know
Maintain existing road/bridge network
Improve safety on existing roads
Construct new roads/highways
Expand pedestrian network (sidewalks)
Improve/Repair existing bicycle network (bicycle lanes & on-street routes)
Enhance freight options (truck)
Enhance freight options (rail)
Add east/west driving corridor

Question Title

* 10. As a whole, please rate the following public facilities and services. Indicate your choice based on the criteria below. 

  Excellent Good Somewhat Good Adequate Somewhat Bad Bad Terrible Don't Know
Law Enforcement
Fire Service
Community Center
Sanitary Sewer Service
Storm Water Management
Water Supply
Solid Waste Disposal

Question Title

* 11. What level of protection in regards to open space and natural/agricultural resources should Melcher-Dallas provide? Indicate your choice based on the criteria below. 

  Much More Protection More Protection Somewhat More Protection Protection is Adequate Somewhat Less Protection Less Protection Much Less Protection Don't Know
Open Space
Historical Properties and Structures
Land Adjacent to White Breast Creek

Question Title

* 12. Do you live in the City of Melcher-Dallas?

Question Title

* 13. What is your age?

Question Title

* 14. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 15. What is your ethnicity?

Question Title

* 16. How many people, including yourself, are in your household?

Question Title

* 17. Do you...

Question Title

* 18. What is your current employment status?

Question Title

* 19. If you are employed, what is your profession? (i.e. banker, doctor, fast food worker, laborer, lawyer, owner/operator, retail associate, etc.)