Thank you for applying for a Natan Grant.  
The Natan Fund inspires philanthropists to engage actively in Jewish giving by funding innovative initiatives that are shaping the Jewish future. 

Natan’s Jewish Connections Grants support innovative models for connecting people to Jewish practices and experiences, Jewish culture and ideas, and Jewish networks and communities in North America. Natan is seeking pluralistic, inclusive initiatives that embrace the full diversity of people who want to connect with Jewish life by empowering, engaging, educating, and creating community for populations that have been traditionally underrepresented in or ignored by mainstream Jewish organizations.

These grants are intended to shine a spotlight on new approaches or methodologies that are profoundly innovative. They support organizations that are focused as much on developing adaptable and replicable new models as they are on their own organizational needs, with the goal of generating systemic change.

Nonprofit organizations and fiscally-sponsored entities in the United States and Canada with annual operating budgets under $1.5 million can apply for one-year grants of up to $40,000, though most grant awards are in the $20,000 - $30,000 range.

If you require assistance throughout the application process, please reach out to Adina at We are looking forward to hearing more about your work!

Please note that SurveyMonkey does not allow you to save and continue your work. It also doesn't allow you to track word count within SurveyMonkey. We suggest you work on the answers in another document. (You can view the full list of questions, and the word limits, here).
Applications are due by Friday, March 5, 2021 at 3 PM ET.