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Alexander Public School Reopening Survey

As Alexander Public School prepares to come back in the fall with on-campus instruction, the district is planning for different options. We are considering how to safely provide face to face instruction, distance learning options for immuno-compromised students and households with immuno-compromised members.   It is very important to hear from each family. 
Please complete the survey below.  

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* 1. Student's First and Last Names

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* 2. Have you moved from our district? 

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* 3. Student's Grade Level in 2020-2021, please check all that apply.

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* 4. Has  your child/ren been diagnosed, by a health professional, as at-risk due to COVID-19? If you answer YES, please provide first name of the at-risk student in the "other" comment box.

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* 5. Is there a member of your household, not the child/ren, who has been diagnosed by a health professional as at-risk due to COVID-19?

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* 6. Instructional Models for GREEN LOW RISK REOPENING:
The instructional models for the fall of 2020. These are preliminary but roughly define the action steps for each model.

                                   On-Campus Face to Face Instruction

School Expectations:
-Provide additional time for hand-washing/sanitizing and cleaning of classroom spaces and supplies.
-Increase the distance between students when possible.
-Reduce capacity of common areas when possible.
-Stagger students into common areas to reduce exposure when possible.
-Masks will be recommended but not required.

School and Family Expectations:
-Sick students and staff will stay home. 
-Open communication between the school and families. 

       Distance Instruction for hose who opt out of face to face instruction

Student Expectations:
-Attendance will be taken each period.
-Expectations for distance learning will be SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASED from what occurred in the spring of 2020. Students must be aware they will be assessed and graded consistently with on-campus instruction.
-Daily participation and engagement in all courses will be expected.

School Expectations:
-Attendance will be taken daily.
-Expectations and learning outcomes will be consistent with on-campus instruction and grading.

Question: Considering the parameters explained above in each of the models, what is your plan for this child for the start of school in August of 2020?

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* 7. Hybrid Instruction Model:YELLOW MODERATE LEVEL
Should health conditions require the school district to limit the number of students on-campus, the district may provide a hybrid model. A hybrid model may include: 1) both on-campus and distance learning.  If the district was to utilize a hybrid model we will make every effort to keep household members on the same school schedule.

If a hybrid model was necessary: Would you prefer:

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* 8. Transportation: Students will have assigned seats. 
Pick the statement that best describes your plan for the fall.

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* 9. Do you have internet access at your home that can be used for distance learning?

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* 10. If you answered YES to question 9., are there any limitations on your internet access we should be aware of? (Choose all that apply)

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* 11. If you answered NO to question 9. above, can you provide information on what barriers are preventing you from having internet access at your home? (The district would like to aid in accessing internet, if possible)
Check all that apply.

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* 12. Do you think that the school should require face masks this fall for the face to face reopening?

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* 13. Will your child/ren participate in age appropriate extra curricular school activities?

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* 14. Thank you!
Please know your input and comments are valuable. A team of Alexander Public School educators, staff, students, leaders, and community members is working to create a plan from the guidance provided by ND-DPI and the Governor's Office. The draft is available on our website under MENU. 

If you have questions or comments, please comment below or please contact Leslie Bieber, Superintendent, at  

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