Question Title

* 1. What sector/group do you identify as?

Question Title

* 2. Overall, how satisfied were you with the LLMP?

  Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral (neither satisfied nor dissatisfied) Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
Please indicate your response

Question Title

* 3. The LLMP Report is easy to understand.

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) Disagree Strongly disagree
Please indicate your response

Question Title

* 4. In my opinion, the report provides a good summary of the local labour market needs.

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) Disagree Strongly disagree
Please indicate your response

Question Title

* 5. This report will be useful in my work.

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) Disagree Strongly disagree
Please indicate your response

Question Title

* 6. Would you recommend the LLMP to others?

  Very likely Likely Neutral (neither likely nor unlikely) Unlikely Very unlikely
Please indicate your response

Question Title

* 7. Additional Comments