Battelle for Kids and NREA are looking for dynamic presenters to positively impact attendees by sharing research, stories, resources, and ideas around this year’s theme, Leading Rural Together.

Please be sure you are prepared to provide the following information before you begin:
  • Name, organization, and email address for all presenters
  • Session title (10 words or less) and description (75-100 words)
  • Preferred session type (60 minute learning session, 75 minute workshop, or 20 minute Research Symposium)
  • Preferred session strand (Empower, Envision, or Engage)
  • Rationale for how your session connects to the event theme
  • Session objectives, format specifications, and resources
  • Up to three learning targets for your session
To learn more about the event theme and strands, please refer to the Call for Proposals Brochure.