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* 1. What is your name and email address:

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* 2. Do you ever get tripped up by nerves before auditions or performances?

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* 3. To what do you attribute those feelings?

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* 4. Do you ever find yourself too stressed to focus? If so, please give an example of how it might impact your acting.

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* 5. Do you ever feel like your survival job is creating stress that effects your acting? If so, what is your job and what is the most stressful thing about it?

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* 6. How do you manage stress?

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* 7. Have you ever had a shortness of breath due to anxiety? If so, what is most likely to cause it?

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* 8. Do you ever become intensely sentimental without notice? If so, what circumstances are most likely to trigger the experience?

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* 9. Describe your stage of career

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* 10. Would you be interested in taking part in our Free Lab in which techniques are developed to manage audition and performance-related episodes of stress? If so, when is the best time to meet?