1. Welcome to USICG's Annual Diocesan Retirement Survey

USI Consulting Group (USICG) has been conducting our national Catholic Diocesan Retirement Plan Survey for over 15 years. The results have been instrumental in helping Dioceses and Archdioceses just like yours better manage their retirement plans.
If you are a member of a Catholic Diocese or Archdiocese, we would love to get your thoughts on your retirement plan. It only takes an average of 5-15 minutes to complete the survey!
The survey will be used for assessing how your benefit offerings compare to other Dioceses and Archdioceses across the country. All the information is confidential.
  1. This year you will notice several changes. 
  2. The survey can be completed in 5-15 minutes by someone familiar with your plan. 
  3. If you need to stop, your responses will be saved and you can return to the survey. 
For Questions:
Please send an email to information@usicg.com and we will get back to you. 

6% of survey complete.