NAMI CA would like to thank all affiliates for their patience this fiscal year with the training schedule for Family and Peer program trainings. NAMI CA has received the bridge funding from the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC), and we will do our best to offer as many Family and Peer trainings as possible with the limited bridge funding that we received. We anticipate these trainings to occur in March and April of 2017.

If you could please complete this survey by January 31st, it will help give NAMI CA a better understanding of which program trainings are needed and in what areas.

We thank you again for your patience and understanding during this process.

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* 1. Your affiliate:

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* 2. Your name and your role at the affiliate:

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* 3. What program training is your affiliate most interested in?

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* 4. Are you interested in sending 1-3  members to a state training, or in hosting a local training where your affiliate coordinates the logistics and 6+ people from your affiliate are trained?

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* 5. Do you currently have a wait list of participants that are ready to attend a training? Please tell us how many people are on your wait list, for which program, and if these people have already met the minimum criteria for becoming a program leader.

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* 6. How would your affiliate benefit from having a Family or Peer training in your area?

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* 7. Do you have meeting space available, if needed?