About the 2020 Repatriation Grants

The 2020 Repatriation Grants supported BC First Nations and Indigenous organizations to repatriate ancestors, cultural property, and intangible cultural heritage.

The BCMA respectfully acknowledges the decades of work and advocacy Indigenous leaders and communities have undertaken to support the return of their ancestors and cultural patrimony. We thank the BC Government for their support of the 2020 Repatriation Grant and extend appreciation to the Royal BC Museum and the BCMA Indigenous Advisory Committee for their expertise, time, ideas, partnership, and guidance.

As a recipient of a 2020 Repatriation Grant, a final report must be submitted to the BCMA thirty days after project completion, or no later than March 31, 2022. A downloadable copy of this final report template is available here: https://indigenous.museum.bc.ca/repatriation/about-2020-repatriation-grants

More information about the grant is available on our website. If you have questions about your organization's final report or require assistance, please contact bcma@museum.bc.ca or call 250.356.5700.

The BCMA is open Monday to Friday from 9 – 4 pm and will attempt to respond to your emails and calls as quickly as possible.

Question Title

* 1. First Nation/Organization

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* 2. Primary Contact Name

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* 3. Primary Contact Email

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* 4. Primary Contact Phone Number

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* 5. Did you receive a Research Grant or Project Grant?

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* 6. Did your research/repatriation activities primarily take place in BC or outside of BC?

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* 7. Please provide a 1-2 sentence description of your repatriation research or project (i.e. Funds were used to research and catalog cultural items at X museum.)

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* 8. If your research/repatriation involved other partner organizations or communities in BC, please list them.

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* 9. Please describe the impact this funding had for your community (max. 500 words)

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* 10. Please briefly describe some of the biggest challenges you encountered during your research/repatriation activities (i.e. COVID restrictions made activities more difficult, trouble connecting with institutions, the reluctance of institutions to repatriate cultural property, etc.)

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* 11. Are you interested in sharing information about your repatriation work in a future BCMA webinar or podcast?

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* 12. If future repatriation funding were available, would your community apply?

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* 13. If your project/research activities are still in progress, please briefly describe your community's plans for completing the project/research (if applicable, max. 300 words).

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* 14. Is there any information about your research/repatriation activities or feedback that you'd like to share that wasn't already addressed in this survey? Please Note: Your responses may be shared in a final report to the Province of British Columbia.

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* 15. Do you have any feedback on how the BCMA could improve future granting programs?

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* 16. I certify that this report is accurate and complete. I understand that the BC Museums Association may request additional information, including copies of records and accounts relating to this funding.