Application: 2024 - 2025 Youth Ambassador Program

The Youth Ambassador Program (YAP) is a year-long service-learning program from (September-June) for high school students at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Discovery Center ( Participating youth will have an opportunity to network and partner with organizations engaged in social change, deepen their understanding of various local and global issues, develop their collaboration and communication skills, and explore the unique role youth can play to make a difference in their communities and across the world. Participants will gain insights on the complex decision making behind grant making and will apply their knowledge by awarding one to a local organization.

APPLICATION DUE DATE: 11:59 PM August 16, 2024

Participants selected for the program will join a community of youth leaders that will:
  • Participate in activities to deepen their understanding of various local and global issues.
  • Strengthen empathy, communication, and collaboration skills.
  • Plan and lead community outreach efforts to raise awareness and inspire youth to take action.
  • Develop networking skills through participation in one-on-one mentor relationships and partner with various organizations engaged in innovation, social change, and youth empowerment.
  • Develop leadership skills through public speaking, program planning, and community engagement.
  • Have a unique role in advising and developing programs at the Discovery Center to empower youth to become global citizens.
  • Create friendships with peers with shared passions

Participants must commit to:
  • Attending in-person YAP Orientation Thursday, Sept 12, 2024 (6 PM-7:30 PM)
  • Attending YAP weekly Thursday meetings (6 PM-7:30 PM) - Each month, two meetings will be held in-person, and two will be virtual
    @ The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ( 500 5th Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109. Participants are expected to attend 80% of the meetings through the year
  • Participating in tours or volunteering days (dates vary).
  • Leading at least one outreach presentation in your school or at community events
  • Participating in a planning and organizing the Teen Action Fair (Spring 2025)
  • Participating in one additional small group focused on specific work of the Discovery Center.
  • Participating in one Community Service project and a one-on-one mentoring relationship.

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* 1. First Name

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* 2. Last Name

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* 3. Nickname/Name I prefer to be called

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* 4. Pronouns

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* 5. Age

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* 6. Tell us your birthday! Please use format 09/17/2009

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* 7. What is your t-shirt size (unisex)?

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* 8. Email

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* 9. Phone Number

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* 10. Home Address

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* 11. City and State

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* 12. Zip Code

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* 13. School Attending Fall of 2024

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* 14. School Grade Level Starting Fall of 2024

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* 15. Parent or Guardian First Name

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* 16. Parent or Guardian Last Name

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* 17. Parent or Guardian Email

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* 18. Parent or Guardian Phone Number

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* 19. Why is it important to you to be in the program and what do you hope to gain from the experience?

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* 20. How do you think people can help foster diversity, equity, access and inclusion?

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* 21. What do you think is important to contribute to the program and how do you see yourself doing this?

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* 22. What is something about you that no one would guess from looking at you?

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* 23. Tell us about a piece of media (book, documentary, event, song, movie, art, program, etc.) or person (artist, writer, social leader, activist, teacher, etc.) that has inspired you to take action.

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* 24. Imagine you are convincing your fellow teens to take action for a cause you're passionate about. What would you say to encourage them to take action?

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* 25. What extracurriculars are you involved in?

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* 26. Can you commit to attending at least 80% of the meetings? YAP will meet every Thursday: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM half virtual and half in-person meetings at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation building.

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* 27. If you are not able to meet the full-time commitment, please explain.

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* 28. Would you like to be added to our email list to receive updates and news about events and programs taking place at the Discovery Center?

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* 29. How did you learn about YAP?