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St. Cecilia's School is taking part in a National Council for Special Education (NCSE) research project with ATU St. Angela's, Summerhill College and Ransboro N.S. We have selected partnership with parents as an area we would like to work on to further improve home/school links. We value your input and want to ensure that your voice is heard as you speak for your child in our school. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts and help us improve the home-school connection. Your participation is voluntary & no names will be used. We would love to hear from every family.

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* 1. When did your child start in St. Cecilia's School?

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* 2. Do you feel you have good access to St. Cecilia’s school e.g. know where to get information if required

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* 3. How do you rate our current methods of communication? (1 is your favourite)

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* 4. Would you like to find out more about any of these activities? Please tick all that apply

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* 5. Would you be interested in further training/workshops in any of the following areas? Please tick all that apply

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* 6. Please choose one activity you would like to be involved in.

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* 8. How could we improve transition (supporting change) for your child into a new class?

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* 9. Have you any suggestions on how we could improve home/school communication from other schools you know?

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* 10. In the future how would you like to share your ideas about school with us?

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* 11. Would you prefer future training to be online or inperson?

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* 12. Please add any further comments

Thank you so much for taking part.
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