Online Journal of Nursing Workforce Call for Reviewers The new Online Journal of Nursing Workforce hosted by the National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers is looking for reviewers to review manuscripts for the journal. Reviewers should be active in nursing workforce research and/or program development and may be from any clinical or non-clinical background. Aims and ScopeOnline Journal of Nursing Workforce (OJNW), the official journal of the National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers (NFSNWC), is a scholarly, biennial, and peer-reviewed journal. The journal publishes original research articles that advance the area of nursing workforce along with innovation research/policy reports and program/project studies that inform nursing workforce policies, programming, and planning on the local, state, federal, and international levels.The Online Journal of Nursing Workforce is dedicated to publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed work. Articles covering state or national nursing workforce projects across our key focus areas will be invited to submit. These key issues include: K-12 pipeline development Pre-requisite education, pre-nursing pathways Pre-licensure education at the LPN, RN and APRN levels Health and well-being of the nursing workforce Upskilling the workforce through academic and/or mentoring programs Optimizing the nursing workforce Workforce data State and federal policy It is anticipate that reviewers will review 1-2 articles per year. Reviewers will register for and submit reviews through an online review system. A list of reviewers will be included in each publication.Reviewers must be State and Associate Subscribers. If you are not a current subscriber- find more information at Your reviewer application will be reviewed by the Online Journal Committee and you will be notified within one month of your application. Question Title * 1. Name Question Title * 2. Email Question Title * 3. Please indicate your National Forum Subscriber status. Priority will be given to those that are current paid subscribers. State Representative Subscriber Associate Subscriber Public Subscriber or not currently a subscriber Question Title * 4. Employer Organization Question Title * 5. Area(s) of Expertise: These will be utilized to match reviewers with journal articles. K-12 pipeline development Pre-requisite education, pre-nursing pathways Pre-licensure education at the LPN, RN and APRN levels Health and well-being of the nursing workforce Upskilling the workforce through academic and/or mentoring programs Optimizing the nursing workforce Workforce data State and Federal policy Quantitative Research Methodology Qualitative Research Methodology Question Title * 6. Please indicate your review experience- check all that apply. Conference abstracts Journal articles Book chapters Grant applications Continuing education/curriculum N/A- no previous experience Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Please upload your curriculum vitae. PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File Please upload your curriculum vitae. Done