The Network of STEM Education Centers (NSEC) is now seeking proposals for presentations for the NSEC 2017 National Conference, June 23-24, 2017, at the Hotel Monteleone in New Orleans. Registration is coming soon.This year’s conference will focus on centers engaged specifically in improving undergraduate STEM education, and/or involved in STEM teacher preparation and connection of the undergraduate experience with community efforts and broader impacts in STEM. The conference is open to representatives from campus STEM Education Centers or Centers for Teaching and Learning that have a STEM agenda, or those who work closely with these centers. We also invite faculty and administrators engaged in improving STEM teaching and teacher preparation from APLU institutions.

Poster abstracts must be submitted by 11:59 pm ET on Monday, May 5, 2017 for inclusion in the Program Guide.

Question Title

* 1. Title of the Poster

Question Title

* 2. Contact information for proposal

Question Title

* 3. Lead Presenter

Question Title

* 4. Additional Presenter

Question Title

* 5. Additional authors.
Please list name, title, institution of authors who are not planning to attend the meeting.

Question Title

* 6. What is your session about? [Choose up to 3]

Question Title

* 7. Abstract (for Concurrent Sessions, Workshops, Roundtables, Significant Interest Groups, and Posters)
Please include a 150-word abstract to be included in the program if the proposal is accepted.