The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is seeking input from anglers who fish for White Sturgeon in California. We ask you to take the following survey so we can gain a better understanding of the interests and opinions of sturgeon anglers in the state.
There is one population of White Sturgeon found in California. They mostly live in the lower parts of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, the Delta, and San Francisco Bay. CDFW has observed a decline in the population since the 1990’s, similar to several other migratory fishes in the area. In 2015, CDFW estimated that there were approximately 48,000 harvest-sized White Sturgeon. As of 2021, the estimate dropped to approximately 33,000 harvest-sized fish. In August and September of 2022, a Harmful Algal Bloom (“red tide”) caused a large die-off of many fish species in San Francisco Bay. Over 850 sturgeon are known to have died during this event and many more are thought to have died as well. Of the carcasses that were measured by scientists, 86% were larger than the minimum size that can be kept (greater than 40 inches), and 30% were larger than the maximum size that can be kept (greater than 60 inches).
CDFW is currently reviewing the status of the White Sturgeon fishery so we can maintain a healthy, self-sustaining population while preserving recreational angling experiences. This survey will help the Department understand the preferences of the sturgeon angling community in California as we review this fishery.