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We are looking for participants that have taken either our Hybrid CERT or Neighborhood Emergency Response Planning (NERP) Courses that can give us feedback on the effectiveness of the courses during a disaster

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* 1. Which course(s) have you completed?

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* 2. What type of disaster event(s) have you encountered?

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* 3. How would you rate this course in time of a disaster?

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* 4. What components of this course helped you most during the time of the disaster?

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* 5. What features of this course were most valuable to you?

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* 6. What features of the course were least valuable to you?

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* 7. Where did you hear about this course?

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* 8. Additional comments/feedback:

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* 9. What additional components would you like to see added to the program?

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* 10. Would you like to support the online CERT or NERP programs? If so, please specify "Online CERT/NERP" in special instructions on this link:

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