Please take a couple minutes and complete these.

Question Title

* 1. The session helped develop my skills as a leader in our organization.

  1 - Not at all. 2 3 4 5 - Moderately helped 6 7 8 9 10 - Was very eye-opening and useful.

Question Title

* 2. I better understand my growth opportunity in 2018, and how it's connected to our rapidly-changing landscape.

  1 - Not so much 2 3 4 5 - Moderately 6 7 8 9 10 - Yes, very much so.

Question Title

* 3. I found the format of our breakout sessions energizing. I'm leaving the conference with more energy.

  1 - Not so much 2 3 4 5 - Moderately 6 7 8 9 10 - Yes, very much so.

Question Title

* 4. The pre-watch resources were well-aligned with the content of the breakout session.

  1 - Not  at all 2 3 4 5 - Moderately 6 7 8 9 10 - Extremely well-aligned / useful

Question Title

* 5. What was your favorite aspect of our time together, or something you can take back with you?

Question Title

* 6. What is something we can improve, or anything you didn't find helpful?

Question Title

* 7. What would you tell your coworkers on other teams about our breakout session?