CtK.Campfire Alumni Impact Survey

It's clear that you have had an amazing 2018! We'd like to capture your successes. Please take 4-6 minutes to complete this survey so that we can celebrate your work and the impact you're having. (Please be sure to leave your name in question 10 so we know who to celebrate!) Thank you for helping us tell our collective CtK Story!

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* 1. Was your writing published this year?

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* 2. Did you appear as a guest on television, radio, a podcast, documentary, or in any kind of multi-media program?

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* 3. Did you win awards, get recognized on a "Best Of" or "Top" list, receive public accolades for your accomplishments this year?

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* 4. Did you run for elected office, work on a campaign, run a ballot initiative, or otherwise engage officially in the political process?

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* 5. Did you change jobs or get a promotion in your field?

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* 6. In what ways has becoming a Loyal Antagonist expanded your work and influenced those around you?

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* 7. CtK has several 2019 initiatives, including the CtK.Leadership Academy, Loyal Antagonist Podcast, and CtK.Campfire Alumni Engagement. How would you like to be involved?

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* 8. What 2018 achievement are you most proud of?

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* 9. What are you planning to accomplish in 2019?

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* 10. Please share your name and provide a brief testimonial about the impact that attending CtK.Campfire and becoming a Loyal Antagonist has had on you and your work.