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Hello Patriot! Please help us to serve up the best courses possible by completing our 5-question survey.  And if there's anything we left out, feel free to drop us a note at the Freedom Diner "Contact" form. Thank you and see you at the Diner! 

Question Title

* 1. Are you considering taking at least one of the Patriot's Platter courses when they're ready? 

Question Title

* 2. If you might take a course, which topics would you most like to see Freedom Diner explore? Select all that apply.

Question Title

* 3. Are you most likely to take a course:

Question Title

* 4. The ideal length for a course is: 

Question Title

* 5. As an example, a two-hour course including downloadable notes that costs $150 is:

0 of 5 answered