We appreciate your involvement in the Aurora City Schools Master Planning Open House. In order to gather input from the community on the overall process and your preferred master plan, please take the following survey. This feedback will be incorporated into the planning process as the district makes decisions on how best to address their long term facility needs. 

Thank you in advance for your time.

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us your current affiliation with the Aurora City School District. Select all that apply.

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* 2. Of the master plans presented, which is your preferred plan?

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* 3. Given your answer for question number 2, why did you select this as your favored master plan?

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* 4. Do you have additional input, questions or suggestions on ways to improve either the high school or elementary school master plan options?

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* 5. If you would like to be included in future school communications, including information on master planning, please enter your contact information below.