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Parent Survey for 21st CCLC (Afterschool Program)

Parents/Guardians: Help us assess your needs for an innovative and quality afterschool program for your child. Please note, the term afterschool represents all out-of-school time—including the time before or after school days, weekends, and summer recess.  Please answer the following questions about the proposed afterschool program for your child.

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* 1. What type of afterschool care are you currently using during the school year?

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* 2. Would you enroll your child in an afterschool program at Leland Public School District?

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* 3. How comfortable do you feel helping your child with homework and school assignments?

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* 4. How beneficial would it be if your child had help from an afterschool program to help complete homework, study for exams, work on assignments, and prepare for quizzes?

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* 5. Which of the following activities do you want included in your after school program? (Check ALL that apply)

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