For the past several days and weeks, we have been fielding numerous calls from association Board Members and Chapter Leaders looking for guidance in seeking relief and support from their franchisors, and in particular, looking for comparative guidance on how other franchisors are stepping up relief and support of their franchise networks. Candidly, reports we have been receiving are all over the map, ranging from genuine compassion to selfish greed. The AAFD has compiled the following survey to aggregate franchisor relief response efforts for the benefit of all of our chapters and affiliated franchisee associations.
We hope and expect you might find it helpful to learn how other franchisors have been responding to franchisee requests for relief and support in response to the Coronavirus Pandemic.  We are urging all of our chapters to respond to this survey so we can provide an effective and organized effort to negotiate maximum relief.
We kindly ask that you take a few minutes to complete this short survey in concert with your association leadership.  Your responses will provide critical and valuable insight to you as well as all AAFD member associations as well as our general membership. 

Question Title

* 1. Has your association reached out to your franchisor for relief in the wake of COVID-19 Pandemic?

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* 2. Has your franchisor reached out to you?

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* 3. Has your franchisor reduced, abated or deferred royalties? (check all that apply)

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* 4. With respect to question 3, how would you rate your franchisor's royalty or fee-relief effort?

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* 5. Has your franchisor reduced or abated your minimum royalty obligations?

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* 6. With respect to question 5, how would you rate your franchisor's relief offer regarding your minimum royalty obligation?

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* 7. What is the current status of your business?

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* 8. Has your franchisor worked with your association to offer alternative service or product opportunites?

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* 9. Has your franchisor been more open to a dialogue with your association as a result of the crisis?

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* 10. Does your franchise agreement contain a Force Majeure (Act of God) clause?

Question Title

* 11. How would you rate your franchisor's response to the crisis?

  Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good
Compassionate and caring about our welfare
Willing to work with us for the good of our brand
Has offered some relief
Business as usual
Enforcing the full terms of our agreement

Question Title

* 12. Any additional comments?

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* 13. We would appreciate your contact information. The survey results will be shared with our Franchisee Leadership Council members and our chapter leaders. Thank you.