The Young Person's Patient Experience Survey

Question Title

For the purposes of this survey a 'young patient' is defined as a person under 18 years of age 

If you are a young patient in Leicester City, please share your story and views with us by completing this survey.

Why are we asking for your story and views?

We want to hear your views so that we can understand what it is like to be a young person using health services in Leicester. If we understand what it is like we can make sure young people like you get the help that they need in the future.

What will we do with the information?

We will use the information you give us to help to develop and shape our health services. We want to make sure we offer services which meet the needs of the people in the city. We will not use your contact details in anything we do or share them with anyone outside of the organisation, unless you ask us to.

How will you hear about what we have done with it?

We will publish any changes that we make on our website:

You can also become a member of our organisation by joining ‘Health in your hands’ so that you receive regular updates on our achievements. More details are on our website.