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Greetings! #Gratitude for taking time to click on the link that brought you here! 😊

The Fairfield Gonzales Community Association (FGCA) is currently working on a project called the Community Inspiration Project (CIP). It is an asset-mapping project for the Fairfield Gonzales neighbourhood.

Our goal is to collect, from residents and visitors, a list of the various assets we have in our community (which we call sources of inspiration) & hear why they are valued.  Following this, we will share these sources of inspiration with the community so you know about these wonderful resources that exist, right here in Fairfield and Gonzales!

These comments will be available on a publicly-available website and other locations - we will treat the responses we receive in this survey as anonymous! However, you are able to let us know if you would like your name to be associated with your comments (See Questions 9 & 10). 

We've broken down our questions based on the type of source of inspiration (Questions 1-6), with each question providing examples we have already collected to help stimulate your imagination!

Kindly note that if you feel your source of inspiration has already been mentioned,  thats OK! We still want to know what makes these sources of inspiration so inspirational for YOU! 

e.g. Dallas Road may be a great place to have a family picnic, to go for your morning workout, or have a physically-distant first date, etc. 

Do not worry if you cannot think of about answering every question at this time, we are glad to take all the sources of inspiration you are able to give us here and now, and you can always email us at when other sources of inspiration come up for you! 

Questions 7 & 8 are relevant for our project's community development goals, so saving some 'leftover energy' to answer these questions is greatly appreciated! 

We look forward to hearing what you have to say! 
The Survey takes approximately 10-20 minutes. 

Thank you ~ Merci  ~ Hay’sxw’qa (Hy-sh-kwa),
The Community Inspiration Team  😊

PS. Extra virtual high-fives if you let us know if your source of inspiration is #physicaldistancefriendly ! & if you are able to send us a photo of your source of inspiration to! 

Question Title

* 1. What are your ‘natural’ sources of inspiration?

Natural assets are the things we have in our natural environment that could inspire us – like our water availability, trees, gardens, wildlife, fertile soil, etc.

Examples of natural sources of inspiration we have collected are:

·         Dallas Road pathway: "lots to see and do, including kiting with families at Cloverpoint”; “watching windsurfing and sunsets”; “viewing parachutes from the hills”; “I have even seen whales!”

·         Gonzales Beach – “a great place to practice my meditation”

So, kindly share with us your natural source of inspiration with us! 

Question Title

* 2. What are your ‘built’ sources of inspiration?

Built assets are physical structures like buildings and public infrastructure (recreational facilities, water infrastructure, community sites, etc.)

Examples of  ‘built’ sources of inspiration told to us are:

·         Ross Bay Cemetery: “fun to count deer”, “Historical, Emily Carr’s grave is there!”

·         Hollywood Park: “Whether you are playing ball or not, Hollywood Ball Park radiates a sense of community”; “You can come and watch, keep score, buy candy, or PLAYYYY BALLLL!”

So, kindly share with us your built source(s) of inspiration 

Question Title

* 3. What are your ‘social’ sources of inspiration?

Social assets are the values and culture of the community, including traditions and attitudes of sharing, cooperation, and mutual support.

Examples of social sources of inspiration that have been shared with us are:

·         November Project Victoria: Meet at 6:29am – 7:29 am Wednesday mornings outside Beacon Hill Park Petting Zoo - “a huge hub for community-building” [NOTE: BACK TO MEETING IN PERSON, BUT WITH PUBLIC HEALTH REGULATIONS IN EFFECT - MESSAGE FGCOMMUNITYINSPIRATIONS@GMAIL.COM FOR MORE INFO]

·         Fairfield Food Forest: “Fairfield Food Forest is a symbol for what we all could be doing for gardening. It gives the community an educational perspective; and instills a sense of equity and long-term sustainability of the project”; “It is a space that is beautiful, nourishing, and continues to grow. Maybe we could all grow more food”; “More projects like this could exist in our community”

So, please let us know your 'social' sources of inspiration 

Question Title

* 4. What are your ‘economic’ sources of inspiration?

Economic assets are the jobs and businesses which provide livelihoods.

Examples of 'economic' sources of inspiration we have been told about are:

·         Hemma Yoga Studio: “A community space for wellness; yoga, mindfulness, and acupuncture”; “Sliding scale for acupuncture”   [NOTE: GIVE A CALL OR CHECK ONLINE PRIOR TO FOR ENSURING AVAILABILITY]

·         Moka House - Cook Street Village: “a friendly atmosphere to get my morning coffee and have great chats!” (and if it’s at full capacity & you aren’t able to hang out and have those great chats… you can still grab your morning coffee before heading over to the cricket field in Beacon Hill Park to have some physically-distant outdoor great chats 😉)

So, please do share with us what economic sources of inspiration you have! 

Question Title

* 5. What are your ‘public’ sources of inspiration?

Public (service) assets include medical and educational services – health care, schools, municipal services, and others provided by governments/organizations.

Examples of public sources of inspiration we have heard are:

·         Moss Street Health Centre: “A very friendly atmosphere when I use their services”

·         Sir James Douglas School: “right next to the FGCA & all its green space, easy for students to head next door for out-of-school care”

Please, share with us some awesome public sources of inspiration 

Question Title

* 6. What are your ‘intangible’ sources of inspiration?

Intangible assets are usually undiscovered or underutilized skills, expertise, and willingness to volunteer and participate in working toward common goals. 

Examples we have collected:

·         Climate Action Group: affiliated with the BC Sustainable Energy Association and partnering with the FGCA – “an inspiring group of people doing great things to support the City of Victoria in their Climate Action Plan" [NOTE: MEETING ONLINE AT THIS TIME]

·         Repair Café: “Repair Café Fairfield is a neighbourhood initiative that promotes repair as an alternative to tossing things out. Residents of Fairfield and surrounding areas can bring their broken items to fix them on the spot with the help of voluntary repairers”

So, please let us know of your 'intangible' sources of inspiration 

Question Title

* 7. Is there anything affecting (perhaps negatively) or challenging any of the source of inspiration you have mentioned to us, and/or their long-term prospects for our community?

An example could look something like this: "I feel that Beacon Hill Park may loose some of its beautiful look and feel because of the threat of climate change"

Please, share with us your thoughts! 

Question Title

* 8. What needs to be done to keep our community strong and healthy and to support your sources of inspiration ?

One example could look something like this "we need our communities to prioritize our sources of inspiration; and a way for us to do this is by having community members 'check up' regularly on these sources of inspiration.

So please, do share with us your valued thoughts! 

Question Title

* 9. We respect your privacy - which is why we thought we should ask you: 

Would you prefer for us to refer to you by your first name (ex. Donna), initials (ex. D.R.), or to remain anonymous (Community member) at such time we make these comments available for the public's benefit on a publicly-available website and other locations? 

Question Title

* 10. Thank you so much - We would like to honour your participation by giving you the chance to win a prize in our Community Inspiration Project prize draw! We may also want to follow up with you for more information about your sources of inspiration. If you consent to being contacted please provide your email or phone number below. We will ONLY contact you for these purposes.

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