Question Title

* 1. Your Name:

Question Title

* 2. Your District:

Question Title

* 3. Your Email:

Question Title

* 4. Your Role:

Question Title

* 5. Section 1.4 of the Test Administration Manual provides roles and responsibilities. In the chart below, indicate which responsibility belongs to which role, the District Test Coordinator (DTC), School Test Coordinator (STC), Test Administrator (TA), or Regional ESD Partner (ESD). Some responsibilities may fall under more than one role.

Ensure students are getting the correct assessment with the appropriate supports
Provide assistance with assessment and data collection questions
Monitor testing progress during the testing window and ensure that all students participate, as appropriate
Monitor who has access to the OSAS Portal and ensure that users only receive access after the required annual training has occurred
Report potential test irregularities or improprieties to ODE Test Security, and conduct relevant investigations
Work with technology staff to ensure that necessary technology is updated
Manage district responses to crisis alert papers

Question Title

* 6. Section 1.4 of the Test Administration Manual provides a description of the Test Administrator role. Based on this description, select all of the roles below that would require TA training.

Question Title

* 7. Section 1.5 of the Test Administration Manual identifies the training requirements for locally training School Test Coordinators (STCs) and Test Administrators (TAs). Select all of the resources listed below that are required to be reviewed.

Question Title

* 8. Section 2.4 of the Test Administration Manual addresses the handling of secure test materials. Please indicate below which materials may be retained securely by the Test Administrator (TA) between test sessions and which must be immediately destroyed at the end of each test session.

  May Retain Securely Must Destroy Immediately
Printed test items from a not yet submitted Science test
Printed reading passages from a not yet submitted ELA CAT
Scratch paper for a not yet submitted ELA or Mathematics CAT
Notes from a not yet submitted ELPA Summative test

Question Title

* 9. Section 3.1 of the Test Administration Manual includes a definition of student coaching.  From the scenarios below, select all that qualify as student coaching and must be reported as a test impropriety.

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* 10. Section 3.1 of the Test Administration Manual identifies examples of adult-initiated test improprieties. From the scenarios below, select all that must be reported as a test impropriety.

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* 11. Section 3.2 of the Test Administration Manual identifies examples of student-initiated test improprieties. From the scenarios below, select all that must be reported as a test impropriety.

Question Title

* 12. True or false, the definition of a test impropriety includes accidental behaviors that give a student an unfair advantage or compromise the secure administration of the assessment?

Question Title

* 13. Section 3.5 of the Test Administration Manual describes the outcomes of test improprieties and irregularities. From the list below, identify which scenarios are eligible for a test reset. Select all that apply.

Question Title

* 14. True or false, districts and schools must allocate time in the schedule to administer the required statewide summative assessments?

Question Title

* 15. For which of the scenarios below would it be appropriate to use the Test Window feature of TIDE? Select all that apply.

Question Title

* 16. Section 5.1 of the Test Administration Manual describes the testing times for the planned 2020-21 statewide assessments. Please identify all true statements below.

Question Title

* 17. Section 5.3 of the Test Administration Manual describes the opt-out process that applies for ELA and Mathematics assessments and the parent-requested exemptions for all other assessments. Please indicate below which process applies to which summative assessment.

  Opt-out Parent-Request for Exemption
English Language Arts (general and extended)
Math (general and extended)
Science (general and extended)
ELPA Summative

Question Title

* 18. Please indicate for each requirement below whether it applies to the opt-out process, the parent-requested exemption process, or both.

  Opt-out Parent-request for Exemption
Submit opt-out form to the district signed by an adult student, parent, or guardian
Request must be based on disability or religion 
Request must identify an alternative learning activity for the student
Request is subject to district review and determination of whether to approve
Applies for the current school year only

Question Title

* 19. Section 5.3 of the Test Administration Manual addresses the requirements regarding parent right to opt their child(ren) out of required state testing. From the list below, select all who are authorized to opt a student out of the state testing requirement.

Question Title

* 20. Section 5.3 of the Test Administration Manual describes appropriate methods for districts to disseminate parent opt out information. Which of the following are appropriate means of communication? Mark all that apply.

Question Title

* 21. Section 6.4 of the Test Administration Manual provides information on the pause rules for all tests. Determine if the following statements are true or false:

  True False
If a student pauses a Math CAT for less than 20 minutes, the student can return to previous test pages and change a  response to any question they have already answered within a segment.
If a student pauses a Science test for more than 20 minutes and fully answered the last item or item cluster displayed, when the student logs back into the test they will not be able to go back and answer that question.
If a student pauses the ELPA Summative for more than 20 minutes, the student will return to the same section and be able to continue typing their responses.

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* 22. Fill in the blank. Section 6.4 of the Test Administration Manual, which addresses test expirations, states that the ELA and Mathematics CAT expires after ___ calendar days.

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* 23. Section 7.0 of the Test Administration Manual addresses the ELPA Summative and describes the possibility that a student may encounter a “too soft” recording warning. If a student encounters this warning during testing, which of the following options is an acceptable course of action? Select all that apply.

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* 24. Section 11 of the Test Administration Manual describes Oregon's Extended Assessments, which are Oregon's alternate assessments based on alternate academic achievement standards. Please select all of the following statements about the assessment that are true:

Question Title

* 25. Appendix B of the Test Administration Manual states that students are allowed to “target up” if they have successfully completed advanced coursework in the following content areas and grades. Please select all that apply:

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* 26. Appendix B of the Test Administration Manual addresses student eligibility to take ELPA Summative. From the following scenarios, identify which would be eligible to take ELPA Summative in 2020-21. Select all that apply.