Welcome to the PETE Survey !

The questions below are part of an inquiry into the program of pre-service Physical Education Teacher Education.  Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary and you may quit the survey at any time by closing your browser.  Your informed consent to participate in this survey was completed by your instructor or program director. Individuals will not be identified in this survey and your participation will help us in assessing the design of successful PE programs for pre-service teacher education in Canada.  The researchers involved are Dr. Wendy Barber (Ontario Tech University, Canada) and Dr. Bill Walters (St. Francis Xavier University) and Ms. Carolyn Temertzoglou (University of Toronto).

Question Title

* 1. Where did you go to Primary-Elementary school?

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* 2. Where did you go to Secondary school?

Question Title

* 3. What age/grades are you preparing to teach? (eg Primary, Junior, Intermediate, Senior)

Question Title

* 4. What are your primary teaching subjects?

Question Title

* 5. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 6. What is your age?

Question Title

* 7. Choose which statements best apply to you.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I would describe myself as physically active
I believe I am healthy
I loved PE in primary school
I loved PE in secondary school
I want to teach Physical Education

Question Title

* 8. If you could sum up your experiences with Physical Education as a learner in school in three words, what would they be?

Question Title

* 9. Which of your PE teachers do you remember well?  What were they like?

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* 10. Which games, activities or sports did you participate in during Primary-Elementary school?

Question Title

* 11. Which games, sports and activities did you participate in during Secondary school?

Question Title

* 12. Did your HPE curriculum as a student include the following topics?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Physical Literacy
Health Literacy
Mental Health 
Functional Fitness / Fundamental Movement Skills
Improving Physical Performance
Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU)
Stress Management and Life Skillls
Healthy Relationships
Competitive games and activities
Non-competitive games and activities
Sex Education

Question Title

* 13. Which of the following topics are most important for you as a teacher in the HPE curriculum?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Physical Literacy
Health Literacy
Mental Health 
Functional Fitness / Fundamental Movement Skills
Improving Physical Performance
Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU)
Stress Management and Life Skillls
Healthy Relationships
Competitive games and activities
Non-competitive games and activities
Sex Education

Question Title

* 18. Please choose what applies to you in response to your attitudes as a student to PE in school.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I enjoyed PE in primary school
I enjoyed PE in secondary school
I was nervous, anxious or fearful about PE in primary school.
I was nervous, anxious or fearful about PE in secondary school.
I felt competent during PE classes
I felt confident during PE classes
My teachers gave me choice of physical activities in PE classes
My experiences in PE affected my body image positively.
I felt demeaned or excluded in PE.

Question Title

* 19. Please choose what applies to you in response to your attitudes to your future teaching PE in school.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I feel nervous, anxious or fearful about teaching Physical Education.
I feel confident teaching Physical Education.
I feel competent doing a variety of physical activities during PE classes.
I feel confident teaching Health curriculum.
 I have the knowledge to teach Health and Physical Education.                      
I have the personal fitness to teach Health and Physical Education.
I have the personal skill level in physical activities to teach Health and Physical Education.

Question Title

* 20. What are the biggest concerns you have in teaching PE?

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* 21. Did you have extra-curricular coaches who influenced you (either positively or negatively)?

Question Title

* 22. Which sports or physical activities do you engage in today?  How frequently?

Question Title

* 23. Do you feel Physical Education has influenced you today?  If so in what way?

Question Title

* 24. Have you ever taught / coached children in physical activity or sports? If so please specify age group and activity.

Question Title

* 25. Please choose what applies to you in response to the statements about how you were assessed in PE below.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
School assessment in PE was based on performance of physical skill
School assessment in PE was based on the level of participation
School assessment in PE was based on the level of improvement
School assessment in PE was based on physical fitness

Question Title

* 26. Please choose what applies to your beliefs about how you as a teacher will assess students in your PE classes.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
School assessment in PE will be based on performance of physical skill
School assessment in PE will be based on the level of participation
School assessment in PE will be based on the level of improvement
School assessment in PE will be based on physical fitness

Question Title

* 27. Are there apps that you use regularly related to health and fitness, as a learner, teacher or otherwise?

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* 28. What does being physically educated mean to you?

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* 29. In your view, what factors influence a person's health status?

Question Title

* 30. What does a "fit" healthy body look like?

Question Title

* 31. Please choose what applies to your views on fit and healthy bodies.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
A fit body is the same as a healthy body
PE should be mandatory throughout school
Girls and boys should be separated in PE classes
Competition is crucial in PE
Mental Health is an important component of being fit and healthy
Mental Health is a key element of PE curricula
Increased physical activity is directly related to better health
Increased physical activity is directly related to longevity.

Question Title

* 32. In class we have examined new provincial (Ontario, Canada) or national (United Kingdom) PE curricula. Which elements or strands do you believe are the most important and why?  Do you see any controversial topics that should not be included?  Are there any topics missing?