I enjoyed PE in primary school
I enjoyed PE in primary school Strongly Disagree
I enjoyed PE in primary school Disagree
I enjoyed PE in primary school Neutral
I enjoyed PE in primary school Agree
I enjoyed PE in primary school Strongly Agree
I enjoyed PE in secondary school
I enjoyed PE in secondary school Strongly Disagree
I enjoyed PE in secondary school Disagree
I enjoyed PE in secondary school Neutral
I enjoyed PE in secondary school Agree
I enjoyed PE in secondary school Strongly Agree
I was nervous, anxious or fearful about PE in primary school.
I was nervous, anxious or fearful about PE in primary school. Strongly Disagree
I was nervous, anxious or fearful about PE in primary school. Disagree
I was nervous, anxious or fearful about PE in primary school. Neutral
I was nervous, anxious or fearful about PE in primary school. Agree
I was nervous, anxious or fearful about PE in primary school. Strongly Agree
I was nervous, anxious or fearful about PE in secondary school.
I was nervous, anxious or fearful about PE in secondary school. Strongly Disagree
I was nervous, anxious or fearful about PE in secondary school. Disagree
I was nervous, anxious or fearful about PE in secondary school. Neutral
I was nervous, anxious or fearful about PE in secondary school. Agree
I was nervous, anxious or fearful about PE in secondary school. Strongly Agree
I felt competent during PE classes
I felt competent during PE classes Strongly Disagree
I felt competent during PE classes Disagree
I felt competent during PE classes Neutral
I felt competent during PE classes Agree
I felt competent during PE classes Strongly Agree
I felt confident during PE classes
I felt confident during PE classes Strongly Disagree
I felt confident during PE classes Disagree
I felt confident during PE classes Neutral
I felt confident during PE classes Agree
I felt confident during PE classes Strongly Agree
My teachers gave me choice of physical activities in PE classes
My teachers gave me choice of physical activities in PE classes Strongly Disagree
My teachers gave me choice of physical activities in PE classes Disagree
My teachers gave me choice of physical activities in PE classes Neutral
My teachers gave me choice of physical activities in PE classes Agree
My teachers gave me choice of physical activities in PE classes Strongly Agree
My experiences in PE affected my body image positively.
My experiences in PE affected my body image positively. Strongly Disagree
My experiences in PE affected my body image positively. Disagree
My experiences in PE affected my body image positively. Neutral
My experiences in PE affected my body image positively. Agree
My experiences in PE affected my body image positively. Strongly Agree
I felt demeaned or excluded in PE.
I felt demeaned or excluded in PE. Strongly Disagree
I felt demeaned or excluded in PE. Disagree
I felt demeaned or excluded in PE. Neutral
I felt demeaned or excluded in PE. Agree
I felt demeaned or excluded in PE. Strongly Agree