1. Welcome!

Complete as much of the following survey as you wish. (The more information you provide, the more likely we will be able to suggest books you will like.) It's okay to leave areas blank.

You may like a lot of different books and the kind of books you like to read may change over time. Please complete this survey according to what kind of book you want to read RIGHT NOW. You may submit up to one form per month.

Your personal information will be kept in strict confidence. If you have any questions, please contact us at teens@tulsalibrary.org.

Attention teachers, instructors, and other adults: This is not homework. Please do not assign this survey as homework or as part of class work.
We appreciate that you want to use this service with your class, and we would love it if you mentioned it to your students. We hope every teen in Tulsa County hears about it. These surveys are personalized and take time to create, and they are created by a small team of library staff, which makes it difficult to accommodate large numbers of surveys coming in at once. Please help us out by recommending this service to your students, but NOT assigning it as homework.

**This service is modeled, with permission, on the Williamsburg Public Library (Va.)'s "Looking for a Good Book?" Readers' Advisory service. [www.wrl.org/books-and-reading]**