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Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. In places, the phrase "full open access" is used to describe a publishing model whereby there is no charge to readers, authors or libraries/institutions. For the purposes of this survey, all other open access models involve some form of cost recovery for the publisher.

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* 1. Please describe your membership status in the LSA

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* 2. Please indicate the geographic region in which you are currently based

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* 3. Please describe your experience with external funding for your research

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* 4. Please describe your experience with LSA publications (check all that apply)

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* 5. Please describe your preferences and circumstances regarding various publishing models

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
I determine a journal's policies on open access prior to submission
In selecting a journal to submit my research to, full open access status is an important consideration
I have access to institutional or other funds to underwrite the costs of article processing charges for immediate open access publication of my research
I support the work that scholarly society publishers conduct with revenue earned from their journals
I am more likely to serve as a referee for a journal that is fully open access
I am required by my institution and/or funding agency to publish my work in journals that are fully open access
I am more likely to cite work that appears in a journal that is fully open access

Question Title

* 6. Please describe your level of familiarity with the following issues in scholarly publishing

  Very familiar Familiar Somewhat Familiar Not very familiar Not at all familiar
Plan S as proposed by cOAlition S of the European Union
The LSA's policies on open access
The LSA's programs supported by publishing revenue
The policies and conduct of other publishers in the field of linguistics

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* 7. Please share any other comments you might have about issues pertaining to the LSA's publishing program or to scholarly publishing in linguistics.

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