Question Title

* 1. Please rank our questions for the candidates

  Most Important Medium Importance Least Important
What steps will you take to reduce heat islands in Philadelphia? Will street trees be a part of your plans?
How will you expand recreation programming across Philadelphia?
Parks & Rec, like other City agencies, faces serious challenges in hiring both permanent and seasonal staff. What steps will you take to fix the City’s broken hiring process?
What qualities are you looking for in your Parks & Rec Commissioner?
Philadelphia spends $50 per capita each year on Parks & Rec operations. Baltimore spends $127. What amount would you plan to reach by the end of your first term?
Understaffing of Parks & Rec hurts us all but the pain is not shared equally. How will you make sure that Parks & Rec is best serving our most vulnerable communities?
Will you lead an effort to find a dedicated funding source for Parks & Rec?
Do you see a connection between keeping our parks clean and well maintained and reducing gun violence?
How will you increase the number of after school activitity slots for students? What role will Parks & Rec play in your plans?
What will you do about short dumping in parks and empty lots?
What are your plans to increase neighborhood jobs for teens and young adults? What role will Parks & Rec play in your plans?
Will you support continued funding of Rebuild?
Philadelphia has a waiting list of 23,500 trees to be pruned or removed. How will you eliminate this backlog?
Do you support the Philadelphia Tree Plan goal to reach 30% tree canopy in 30 years?
How will you make sure Philadelphia’s 300 parks and rec centers are safe and clean?

Question Title

* 2. What did we forget to ask?

Question Title

* 3. Would you like to get involved in the Rec It Philly campaign?