KHEAA would like to thank you for conducting a Close the Deal event at your school. We value the opportunity to be able to partner with you and sincerely hope you found KHEAA’s resources and assistance useful.

Please take a moment to report your event totals and give us your thoughts about KHEAA’s Close the Deal contributions by completing this short survey.

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* 2. How many students at your school participated in your Close the Deal event?

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* 3. Did you have an opportunity to participate in one of the Site Coordinator Training webinars offered by KHEAA on August 3, August 18, August 31 or September 13?

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* 4. If yes, please evaluate the training's helpfulness to you in planning your activities.

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* 5. Did you have an opportunity to review the Close the Deal Implementation Guide on

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* 6. If yes, please evaluate the Implementation Guide’s helpfulness to you in planning your school's activities?

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* 7. Did you have an opportunity to review the Close the Deal Online Toolkit at

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* 8. If yes, please evaluate the Online Toolkit's helpfulness to you in planning your school's activities?

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* 9. What was your overall sense of Close the Deal's impact on participating students?

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* 10. If you were to think generally about your school’s historical college going rate, how would you estimate Close the Deal's affect on it?

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* 11. To what extent was your KHEAA Outreach Counselor able to make a direct contribution to the success of Close the Deal at your school?

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* 12. What activities did you consider most successful during your Close the Deal event? Check all that apply.

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* 13. Additional activities or events that you found to be successful:

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* 14. Please share your suggestions for improvement to Close the Deal:

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* 15. Did you register your school online through the site?

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* 16. KHEAA is able to offer an individualized Getting the Facts Report for students in all grade levels, to aid in the college search and selection process. Would you be interested in learning more about this free tool?

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* 17. Did you also conduct a College Application Campaign program for your seniors this year?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We value your opinions and will continue to do our best to reinforce the success you are having with the students in your school.

~ KHEAA Outreach